Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Did you know

There is not ONE store in the entire Vancouver Airport that sells an itunes gift card. Yes I tried the Virgin store, the seven eleven and every single store there is.... (I had a lot of time to kill), and not ONE store sells an itunes gift card!

On a positive note, the Vancouver airport, is actually a really nice airport AND has free wireless throughout.... AND multiple starbucks'!!!!

So I can honestly say tomorrow is NOT another day! Heres my day! Woke up at 4:30 (I was scared my alarm wasn't going to go off or SOMETHING).... left to catch a bus downtown victoria at 5:30. Drove (well rode) in the bus to the 7:00am ferry. After the ferry was another bus to the airport. I reached the airport at about 9:30 (that's about 4 hours of traveling so far). Now I'm waiting around the airport for a few hours until I catch my plane at 2:00pm. After a 14 hour flight (or so) to Beijing, and an hour layover, and another god-knows-how-long-flight to Hong Kong, I officially arrive in hong kong at 9:00pm, TOMORROW! I will have traveled for approximately 38 Hours and there is a 12 hour time difference. AHhhhhhhhhh

So now that i've bored you all with my itinerary, what can I say? I'm REALLY excited, a little nervous. I don't think it has really sunk in that I'm going to go to southeast asia for 2.5 months or so. I was JUST in an airport not a week ago, and I didn't end up in Asia, I ended up on an island with my parents! I guess looking at it that way... after a week on an island with my folks, 2.5 months in asia should be a piece of cake (or piece of sushi - yes i said it!).

I had a really great conversation last night, that helped a lot! I still like to reserve some things in my personal life as you guys know, but it was really nice, and I heard some things i think i needed to hear :-)

I also should take this opportunity to thank Tanya. She was AWESOME! She lent me her car so I could get a bunch of last minute things done before leaving, and even woke up with me this morning to drop me off at the bus depot at THAT"S a good friend :-)

On that note, i'm REALLY enjoying what may be my last starbucks for a couple months... GOD it's good! OH MY GOD.... I just looked up starbucks to see if they were in hong kong (Shuttup all of you!!!! Sarah Mann understands me!)..... and there are a bunch, one being REALLY close to my hotel! YAY me!

I guess it's time then, to post a picture!

And yes I realize this isn't starbucks, but it's a coffee shop!

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